
Now more than ever families are struggling to connect. With social media being something that feels impossible to turn away from. Social media is a way for many to be seen and heard. For some this is the only way in which help has been found. For others, they are lost in the abyss.

Family time- bonding, deep connection and understanding is needed right now. Working together rather than apart is imperative. If you are reading this, I urge you to get off your computer and connect with someone you need to talk to. I read a great quote today by @jeffbrownsoulshaping. He said “Conflict isn’t the adversary of connection. Fear of confrontation is.”

Feeling safe to be seen and heard is a DEEP DEEP desire of many. How often are we afraid of confrontation? Sure we want to live in peace and happiness but when we are shut down, unable to speak to one another out of fear, how is this living? Life does have a lot of beauty despite the pain. We see beautiful picture after beautiful picture as we scroll through online. What can you connect with and find beauty in together? Something that is tangible and real in front of you? That you can touch, hold, smell, see and be with?